Tuesday 27 September 2011

Are you interested in joining the library book club?

Calling all grade 7 and 8s! There will be an information session for anyone interested in joining the library book club. We are meeting in the library on Thursday, September 28th at 12:10.

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Thursday 22 September 2011

Looking for bloggers!

Attention all you young bloggers out there. Are you interested in contributing to your Canadian Martyrs Library blog?

We are looking for summaries and reviews written on books in our library written by you; the students! Did you love the last book you borrowed? Would you like to tell your classmates about it? Blogging is a great way to learn about new and exciting books, and who knows better about what students like than other students! So keep reading everybody and share your latest book with your classmates today!

Please submit all blog posts to Miss Caldwell in the library.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Birthday Books are now available in the library!

Birthday Books are a great way for students to celebrate their birthday by "giving" a book to their classmates. During the month of the student's birthday, a birthday book will be chosen from a selection of both fiction and non fiction, level appropriate books. The book is then recorded in the Chalk Talk, and on our blog, and a dedication label is placed inside to acknowledge the gift. The student is the first to borrow the book before it goes into circulation. 

Birthdays that fall in August will be recognized in September, while birthdays that fall in July will be recognized in June. 

If you would like your child/children to participate in the worthwhile program, kindly send a note including the following information to your class teacher as soon as possible with a $10 cash or cheque payable to "Canadian Martyrs School Library". 

Teacher and Grade:

Thank you all for your support!